I met her in a very nice room. She will leave you very pleased and even more if you manage to satisfy her! Definately recommended and I hope she comes back in the future!
Είχα μια υπέροχη ώρα με την Αλινα! Ειναι ευγενική, πρόθυμη και ευχάριστη στη συζητηση. Τη προτείνω ανεπιφύλακτα!
First time writing a review here. I met her on an impulse decision. I was out for a walk, checked the site and there she was. Around the same age range so I thought I'd give it a try. She is a really relaxing person, knows what she wants and doesn't want and will make you feel like you know her a long time. She is beautiful and will take good care of you.