What to tell a very beautifully young lady with a nice body brazilian 💯 very nice back unique .
She offer me an unforgettable hour with a blow that I have not met years now care mostly if I was satisfied leac all my body and keep looking me on eyes see my reaction .
Generally I defently recomend that girl is defently professional know and like what she is doing
Is a diamond from Brazil realy I have been with some escorts during years is the best I have been what to tell perfect young lady perfect body perfect smile tide !!!!!!! Nothing minus all are 100% real and what to tell on the active crazy lady I never forget her hope to be well Sabrina and I am lucky meet you ❤️ ♥️ 💖 💕 💗
is the secomd time i meet that lady clean very good service uniwue natural boots very nice body and on the game unique very tide pusyy very good massage what to tell is a perfect choise for spend a nice hapapy good
Δυστυχώς δεν απαντά σε μηνημα αν είναι μυκονο και αν υπάρχει
Is a women became from heaven unique personalitie beautifully like an angel with a smile full happiness and a body realy brazilian I get with escorts years I am 57 that girl is my ever best find all my life ♥️ I alway remeber you free from me your stay if find difficulties .
Each euro is worth and much more never make her feel bad she worth like a best diamond
Μην την χάσετε είναι το θείο δώρο πιστέψτε με με την εμπειρία των χρόνων θα μείνει βαθιά χαραγμένη η γνωριμία και η εμπειρία είμαι η καλύτερη όλων
Μακριά όσο πιο μακριά γίνετε εγώ φταίω πάλι έκανα λάθος 100 % φωτοshop καμία σχέση μόνο λεφτά ζητάει χάλια μαύρα

Tina: Οταν καπιος δεν αρεσι κατι ,φισικα δεν αρεσι αφτα που εγο κανο... ????????