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My review was not approved for some reason.
She’s very lazy in just not doing anything better to stay home or find another girl
her attitude is horrible I asked her for a location which she didn’t give just said she’s near the icon and before going out I asked again so I will know where to park since there’s to sides to the icon and she hinted I’m stupid for asking again I tried to lighten the mood with a joke then she told me to come and when I was in the area she sent me a message in Russian saying she’s eating and to try her in and hour and asked me to translate.
Well could be she is nice as the other comment but from this experience I think she’s not she think too much of herself so I wouldn’t recommend communicating with a person like that
Regina: Hello, dear friend. I am always polite and open to good people. You write to me constantly and never come, I always answer very tactfully, but you write to me every day and constantly ask different things and never come. I answered you that I will be free in an hour, but you ignored it. I hope in the future we will not have misunderstandings, but if you just want to communicate, without visits, then you better find a girlfriend who free for communication. All the best, dear friend.