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This girl doesn't like her job. She's only interested in money….
Karina 🔥10/10. so hotttt babe. I will miss you 😘
Karolina : Thanks 💋
Very nice and beautiful girl. Big boobs, big ass 🔥
girl from the picture 100%, she smiled politely and suggested to go to the shower. Im stayed with her for 1h and it was a great experiment. she wants good service and a great massage. Miss you, bb🔥💋
Karina: Thanks 💋😛
The best girl in Limassol💯💯💯💯💯
Lina looks better than in the pic….very clean and hot brunette. She came for an outcall and stay 2 h with her. I want come again, but that she's leaving Cyprus soon😮💨
this is fake🤡the girl in real life is different and looks tired and +10 kg
spent time and went home😡😡😡😡
Sasha is the best service in Cyprus. The girl from the picture 100%👍🏼 stayed for 2 hours. Hot sex, beautiful girl, sex outfit. 10 of 10
Baby Sasha: 💋nice to meet you
This is my first experience with escort, I was very worried and canceled our meeting several times, but I still decided and came to her. This is not fake, she is really the girl from the picture, good service and hot blowjob. It was interesting to talk with her, it felt as if we had known each other for many years. I recommend Karina if you want great company, and not just sex. I miss you very much and kiss you, baby 😘