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© Copyright 2025 | Todos los derechos reservados | Top Escort Boys
700 for 1 hour outcall? Is she Princess of Dubai?? 😆😆😆😆
Hi, i never visited you, and no doubt, you are really hot young lady. But don`t insist that your photos are not photoshopped. I`m a Pro, and especially your photos in pink are photoshopped, and this even badly. At least the one who did it for you should use better software and iknow what to do..:-)
Angelika: my dear girl I looked at your profile, you also work as an escort like me. you are also a very pretty girl. I think that you should not write bad comments about other girls. it is very bad to envy other girls! their beauty!!! . maybe you will do your own thing. let him comment on the photos of the man who comes to us and sees us in real life.
It will be forever a miracle for me, how guys are willing to pay 250 EUR per hour (!!!) and get then poor service.
250 is price for Switzerland, but for this you receive then a service which deserves the word service.
100% Photoshop, it s ugly guy.