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Tutte le modelle presentate su questo sito avevano almeno 18 anni quando sono state fotografate.
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Μακριά παιδιά καμία σχέση με αυτό που βλέπετε.
Camila : I did not accept to meet you because you are in blacklist ,you come with no money, baby! You never even saw me!
Έλα ρεθύμνο μωρό
Ανέβασα κριτική και με ένα μαγικό τρόπο έφυγε. Θα το γράψω και εδώ. Έστειλα μήνυμα για ραντεβού απάντηση δεν πείρα και με μπλόκαρε κιόλας χωρίς να ξέρω τόν λόγο.
Jess Brazil : Dear you are all ready in the black list from anothers girls in website so as you understand this is the reason that i don't answer to you.
Thank you very much and have a good continue!