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Opmerkingen (3)
She is old woman not 28 age she is old 28 plus I meet her In a strip club she works for 30 euro for sex here asking 150 euro really why you close reviews?
Laura: Am not working in the stripclub. You wrong
Μουνόπανο hamzaarab αν σε πετύχω πουθενά θα σού γαμησω το μουνι που σε πέταγε.
Laura: Hamza an Arab..or hamzaarab a Pakistan refugee. Such a bad character. Sending bad comments to many women.
She is not 28 she is old 50 plus...too much photoshop very short height 1.50cm
Laura: You are jealous of my beauty. That's why you say negative things. You are a woman not a man. I know you.