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Sexy, beautiful Big ass, good atitude and smelly 😘 see you again in Patras baby
τόσο άδικη η κριτική της Βιβής! Την είδα σήμερα στην Πάτρα και μπορώ να πω ότι είναι ένα γλυκό πλασματάκι πολύ όμορφο και πάντα χαμογελαστό.είναι πολύ καθαρό και μυρίζει και αν της φερθείς καλά θα απογειώσει όλες σου τις αισθήσεις. Σίγουρα θα την ξαναδώ αν επιστρέψει ποτέ στην Πάτρα.😘
No words to her. I meet her in Lefkada and since then I can’t stop thinking in her.
Shes kind of girl you feel comfortable like home. She’s very erotic and sexual, very active and much caring I never had sex with a girl smiling all time, like she was really enjoying.
Everything with her seems so ease and natural that I forgot I was paying the chemistry with her is real. When I ends she was into talk and kiss, gave me massage and offered me a beer.
No deny I am in love maybe I take her from this job
GRACIA HOT: Thank you for the comment baby! Meet you when I go back 💕💕💕