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I glad to see you again, good sexy girl, highly recommended to all, our meeting went very well, how and last time. The atmosphere was really good. She is extremely clean and beautiful with wonderful smile. Nice deep blowjob, enjoying different positions in sex, she is a professional her work. Good also in socializing. For sure she is worthy to meet again. Next chance i will meet her again.
Răspunde: thank you my dear, see you
Thank you very much for our meeting my baby. I just say, she's very sexy, professional in his work, I had a great time, she is gorgeous, this is my type of girl. See you again.
Răspunde: Thank you dear! Nice to meet you again
Πολύ εύκολη επικοινωνία μέσω whats app κλείστηκε το ρνβ από το μεσημέρι για βραδάκι
Στην ώρα της περιποημενη σέξι ντυμένη με κόκκινα εσώρουχα που είχα ζητήσει.
Πολύ καλό blowjob εξαιρετική σε 69 και ότι στάση ζήτησα
Είναι έμπειρη εσκορτ
Οι φωτογραφίες κάποια στιγμή θέλουν μια ανανέωση
Φοβερό παιχνίδι με τις βυζάρες της κατά τη διάρκεια του σεξ
Πολύ καλό ρνβ
Θα μείνει χειμώνα Αθήνα οπότε κάποια στιγμή θα την τιμήσω ξανά
Είχα συνάντηση τρίο με την Νικολ και τη Dina ότι και να πω είναι λίγο καυτό διδημο με τρέλανε και οι δύο πήγα στο παράδεισο!!! Για πολλη καβλες τελείωσα δύο φορές μέσα σε 20 λεπτά.
Răspunde: Thank you so much
Traduceți în EnglezăThe best girl !!! She's incredibly sweet,
merry, friendly and lovely and sexy ..
Diana treats you like a king. She uses each and every piece of her stunning body very very professionally.
she was very very good.
Excellent social time,
her boobs are perfects.
I would highly recommend her to anyone who wants to be treated as a king and wants to experience the best of the best...
Răspunde: Thank you, my dear.
Comentarii (15)
Come to Thessaloniki!!
Come to drama city baby
Thank you for accepting my invitation. See you soon. 😉😉😉
I will wait you beautiful lady. 😉😉😉
Come to Kavala baby. 😉😉😉
Dina : Okay baby m...