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© Copyright 2025 | Toate drepturile rezervate Top Escort Boys
400€ for you one hour ? 100€ if anyone love your body type ithink is fair
No you're not 26 age you are 35 plus you re full of plastic surgery Botox and hyaluronic acid you are older and you add 26 age many years your photos same age on internet...ok we are not idiots
Liz : Dear, you even comment bad things, no one cares. I don't have plastic surgery, my body is natural, are you jealous or an envious woman?
Just run way...why to pay?
Amazing blond hair colour baby
Nah the age not truth 26 truth is + 10 years more or more no less
Liz : Dear, don't say something you're not sure about, I'll show you my passport, okay?
Bravo pink colour look good morning dear
Nothing special guys a random girl overpriced..😬
You are Venezuela not spanish ...too black skin colour
Sweetheart girl with blue eyes
Here is greece maximum 1h 100 beautiful ladies if u make discount update price if u want work