How do I begin to describe my experience with Pamela! Let me start by saying she is absolutely special in every way. From the very first moment we looked into each others eyes, we knew exactly what would follow 💟💟 She has an amazing energetic personality, but also very intelligent and so polite. Even though she doesn't speak English so well, it was not a problem at all, we still communicated perfectly, we connected instantly without even talking.
Her photos are 100% authentic and she is even more beautiful up close, very elegant athletic body, soft velvet skin, gorgeous face, her seductive eyes, and the sound of her voice just makes my heart melt. Also, she is very clean, her hygiene standards are at a high level.
I wont get into any of the passionate sex details, that's just for me and Pamela, it will remain our secret. This was the best GFE, everything was so perfect. The only thing that's makes me sad is that I didn't get the chance to be
with her a lot more as she will be travelling to another city or island tomorrow. 😞
This girl is Pure gold inside and out, Look after her, Treat her well she is an absolute gem.
Meu bebezinho, muito obrigada! Lembre-se sempre do que eu disse a você "Tudo acontece por uma razão". Ainda estou tentando processar tudo o que aconteceu em nosso encontro. Você realmente me completou de maneiras que eu nunca soube que eram possíveis. E já estou sentindo sua falta!! 🥰🥰
Você agora é para sempre Meu bebezinho 💜🤍💜
I am very happy to be writing this review because this girl truly deserves it. Yesterday I visited Bia and she is absolutely gorgeous!!💟💟 Her photos are 100% authentic and she is even more beautiful up close. She is young and fresh with an incredible natural body, soft skin, very beautiful face and when she smiles I truly melt. Also very clean, her hygiene is at high level!! Even though she doesn't speak English, it was not a problem, we still communicated perfectly, we found our vibe right away. The meeting was only 30 minutes, but it was one of the best GFE, so kind, so warm, so giving. I wish I had more time with her. I will definitely meet her again before she leaves Patras. From me its 11 / 10.
Bia, my beautiful girl , Thanks for a great time, apart from the fantastic sex, I mostly enjoyed just being there with you. See you soon. Take care, Lots of Kisses 🥰🥰🥰
This is Izalia's first time in Patra and I was also her first client! She is a very friendly girl with a cute personality, smiling all the time. Her facial features are beautiful and her body is very curvy, very sexy! Her photos are 100% authentic. She really enjoys sex and did her best to please me. Izalia, thank you for a great time together. Take care, Lots of Kisses 🥰🥰
I met Lola today, and all I can say she is definitely my favourite ❤️❤️ girl. Her photos are 100% authentic and she is even more beautiful up close. Amazing athletic body, gorgeous face, intelligent. She has a wonderful personality and intelligent which makes communication so easy, also very active and passionate in sex. We connected instantly.
I was with her for only 30 minutes, I wish I had more time because I couldn't get enough of her. The program and price was exactly what we agreed on before our meeting, but she did a lot more than that.
I wont get into any of the sex details, that's just for me and Lola, but I can honestly say she is the type of girl you can easily get addicted to.
Lola , thank you so much baby! As I mentioned, There is something very Special about you, I mean it!!! Im holding on to your number and I will be looking forward to met you again. Take care 💜🤍💜
Ένα ραντεβού τέλειο! Η Karmel είναι μια sexy κοπέλα με απίστευτη κορμάρα και πολύ όμορφο πρόσωπο. Έχει φοβερή ενέργεια, πάντα με το χαμόγελο, και πολύ καθαρή, ένιωθα ότι την γνωρίζω χρόνια, βρήκαμε το vibe μας κατευθειαν. Η συνάντηση ηταν μονο 30 λεπτα, μακαρι να ειχα περισσότερο χρονο μαζι της, η συναντηση τα ειχε ολα: sex, γελιο, πειράγματα κτλ κτλ. Επικοινωνία τέλεια. Ανυπομονώ να την συναντήσω πάλι. Από μένα δίνω 11 / 10.
Karmel, my sexy Goddess, Thanks for a great time, apart from the hot sex, I also really enjoyed your company and all the fun we had. I will definately see you again very soon. Take care, Lots of Kisses 🥰🥰🥰
P.S. Next time we won't use the table again ok. 😀❤️
Επισκέφθηκα την Juliana, Καταρχήν, δεν είναι αυτή που βλέπετε εδώ στις φωτογραφίες, και ο λόγος είναι επειδή θέλει να κρατήσει την ανωνυμία της, το καταλαβαίνω. Βέβαια, μοιάζει πολύ με τις φωτογραφίες, είναι πολύ όμορφη, φοβερό κορμί και γλυκό πρόσωπο. Πραγματι κάνει δυνατή προσπάθεια, με καυλώνε συνέχεια. Γενικότερα, πέρασα πολύ ωραία μαζί της. Θα να την ξαναδώ πάλι.
Η καλύτερη εμπειρία που είχα μέχρι τώρα, Ενα ραντεβού μοναδικό που θα θυμάμαι για πολύ πολύ καιρό. Η Eva ειναι απλα φλογα🔥🔥, πραγματικά πανέμορφη με απιστευτη κορμαρα και καθαρη. Πραγματικές φωτογραφίες 100%. Η συνάντηση ηταν μονο για 30 λεπτα αλλα καταφερε να μου τα κανει ολα, γλωσσοφιλα, γλυψιματα απιστευτες πιπες, σουπερ sex οπου και οπως ηθελα, μασαζ κτλ κτλ. Μιλαμε για έμπειρη γυναίκα. Επικοινωνία τελεια. Ανυπομονώ για την επόμενη φορά. Ευχαριστώ πολύ Κοριτσι μου για όλα! You are the best. 🔝😍🔝
Χθες επισκέφθηκα την Aby, δεν πω κάτι άσχημο για την ίδια, όμως θα είναι ειλικρινείς για την εμπειρία μου. Είναι μια γλυκιά κοπέλα, με υποδέχτηκε με χαμόγελο, αλλά παρατήρησα ότι ήταν αρκετά καταπονημένη και κάπως κουρασμένη. Έχει κάνει πρόσφατα πάλι αυξητική στήθους και ακόμα βρισκόταν σε στάδιο ανάρωσης με αποτέλεσμα να μην είναι καθόλου δοτική. Δηλαδή, Δεν δίνει φιλία (καθόλου) Δεν με άφηνε όσο ήθελα να τις χαϊδέψω το μουνάκι (συνέχεια μου έπερνε το χέρι) Και δεν αφήνει με τίποτα να ακουμπήσεις τα βυζιά της. Προσωπικά δεν μου έχει τυχει ποτέ τόσα απαγορευτικά σε ραντεβού.
Οποτε οποίος θέλει να την επισκεφθεί θα πρέπει να γνωρίζει τα εξής:
1. Αγγλικά δεν γνωρίζει καθόλου, το επαναλαμβάνω πάλι "Καθόλου", στο WhatsApp τα ραντεβού γίνονται με μια Χριστίνα.
2. Τα 30 Λεπτά έχει δυο προγράμματα: 100 ευρώ (sex & πίπα ΜΕ προφυλακτικό) η αλλιώς 130 ευρώ (sex & πίπα ΧΩΡΙΣ προφυλακτικό).
Γλυκιά Aby, σου εύχομαι περαστικά και να είσαι πάντα καλά! Μια συμβουλή θα σου δώσω, μιας που διάλεξες αυτό το επάγγελμα καλό θα είναι μελλοντικά να γίνεσαι πιο δοτική, οι πελάτες πληρώνουν και θέλουν ευχαρίστηση.
Most amazing experience! Dhakiya is absolutely beautiful, WOW!!! Her body, skin, facial features, curly hair, her scent, She is definitely a true Tanzanian Goddess.
She welcomed me by jumping straight on me (kissing , hugging etc) instantly made me feel as if I was in a relationship with her, she is very intelligent and has a warm personality. Sex was great, everything she does is with passion, always making sure that I am enjoying every single moment.
P.S. Take care baby, hope to see you again soon!! 🥰🥰🥰
Nanda, Hope to see you in Patras very soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Lily, Come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Nicole, Come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Marilena, Hope you come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Nicolle, Come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Ana, Come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Vivi, Come to Patras soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Vivi HOT: I Will very sono, baby
Helen, Hope to see you in Patras, Greece very soon!! 🥰🥰
Kitty, I hope you come to Patras very soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰
Manuela, I hope you come to Patras very soon! I cant wait to visit you!! 🥰🥰