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I decided to tell you everything about this meeting by correspondence today, the answer was perfect, a terrible girl arrived, no correspondence with the photo and there is a smell from the girl and this smell of sweat as if she had not washed for 10 days
She answered clearly and distinctly in correspondence, a very beautiful girl came, the photo corresponds 100%, the girl's eyes are very beautiful, you can drown in her eyes
when I saw the profile I was interested in the profile because Instagram was indicated when I saw Instagram I got carried away by her blog there was interesting content the girl travels to different countries and talks about her experience then I met there was a meeting in a 4* hotel everything went perfectly firstly I liked that she speaks 5 languages and is an interesting conversationalist and has an ideal figure and is a very beautiful girl everything went perfectly I will never forget this girl and of course her blowjob was the best experience